Sunday, April 27, 2014

Birds of the Huichol People

The Huichol People are very religious and believe that most animals are messengers of the gods. All birds are messengers. The feathers of eagles and turkeys are especially sacred and are held in high regard. The Huichols use tail and wing feathers of eagles and hawks in their rituals and ceremonial dances. The symbol of the double-headed eagle is a common design used by these people. This symbol represents the gods power to see in all directions and see everything the people are doing at all times. There are a few birds that are endemic in this area such as the thick-billed parrot, the white-frosted swift, the tufted jay, and the sierra madre sparrow. Eagles are believed to be the embodiment of a goddess known as mother eagle. She is the mother of the sky and queen of heavens. The Huichols believe the eagles to be the most magnificent birds that live around them.

Bald Eagle
Picture From:

There are around 424 different species of birds that live in the area of the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains. The huichol believe that each one is a form of a god watching over them. Therefore the people do not hunt or eat any birds in fear of angering the gods. The Huichol people use the feathers of birds for everything. They use the feathers of turkeys and hawks on their healing sticks and arrows because they believe the gods will watch over them, and help bless them on their hunts and healing traditions.

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